Originally Posted by Fireball2
Originally Posted by Bwana_1
Originally Posted by Fireball2

It's not in my job description to rewrite the tax code. I just find it sad that the filter everyone runs a tax code change thru is, "What's in it for me?".

JFK said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country". Not too many people use that as their primary criteria for making decisions anymore. It's all me me me mine mine mine gimme gimme gimme.

Don't bump your head when you fall off that high & mighty throne you sit upon, your narcissistic demeanor and judgemental attitude will be your downfall someday.

We've been hearing it for months now, BIG tax break for everyone...it's going to be GREAT !!! When you see how many commercial accounts that have been using your landscaping business, no longer call for your services because of changes...don't come here and whine. Major changes have been made in medical deductions, for those with severe heath issues at home that's a kick in the teeth. Add that to the changes taking place in medical coverage costs across the nation, many people are going to have far less than before. Local and state tax along with mortgage changes, will effect a lot of members...many that are retired and can't alter their earnings other than more withdrawals...and pay more in taxes.

I know you enjoy playing the heel, get attention at home where it counts.

Coming from you, that is a zero on my GAS Scale. I'm not going to spin my wheels fighting trolls.

My point is there was a time in America when "What's in it for me" wasn't the first thing out of everyone's mouth. Sorry you find that offensive but that's the way it is.

It's a shame you can't read and comprehend what my detailed points were that effect people, but instead make it about YOU and YOUR feelings...but we ALL certainly appreciate financial advice from Fireballz