The nerve issues/plantar fasciitis in the feet can also be related to over tightness in your calves (gastroc. and solius muscles), achilles tendon and even as far up as your hip flexors/butt muscles causing imbalance throughout the whole system. These are hall marks of old farts( I'm 57) with a history of an outdoors lifestyle who've hiked a lot of miles in the mountains, especially with feet locked up in hiking boots.

Start doing roller work with a foam roller for all the areas mentioned (and then work up to a 4- 6" pvc pipe if you're brave enough). Work in proper mobility exercises for same. Move up from the tennis ball( too soft for some work) and get a rubber lacrosse ball and go easy. You need to get on a daily regimen even multiple times a day for 10-15 min each session and expect to experience some pain, but obviously avoid doing damage.

Look up Kelly Starrett and get an idea of what his program is about. Get his book " Becoming a supple Leopard" for direction. You are trying to break up all the adhesion's and stuck muscle fibers and connective tissues that have been locked up for all these years and the process to do that takes some serious time and work. No guarantees but it's worth a try and even if it doesn't fix the nerve issues it will make things better in the rest of your lower extremities and you'll feel better in the long run. A lot cheaper than getting on drugs too.

“Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them.”
― G. Orwell

"Why can't men kill big game with the same cartridges women and kids use?"
_Eileen Clarke

"Unjust authority confers no obligation of obedience."
- Alexander Hamilton