I was asking the exact opposite Richard--will it result. In an increase tourists?
And I'm not talking about Ontario as a whole--I have no idea what goes on in Toronto--only this small portion of Northwestern Ontario.
My conversations with residents of Minnesota and Wisconsin revolve mainly around hunting and fishing. While I might not partake I know that Makers Mark is a well thought of bourbon.
Questions I have been asked about Pot legalization have 3 main points--rules, availability and price.

Price--I only know what I have read or heard thru the CBC and it looks like the retail price is going to be around $10 per gram. From my sources locally that's street price here if you are buying small amounts like 5 gram bags. Larger quantities like an ounce I've heard anywhere from $200 to $325.

Availability--where are you gonna buy it? It's not gonna be at the local liquor store, which would make the most sense to me. Evidently there is going to be a store in Thunder Bay and everyone else can order on-line. I get the impression many people would like to go to a shop just to look at what's available. With our shipping options locally on-line ain't gonna work and T-Bay is over a hundred miles away.

Rules-- Can I smoke up in the boat while fishing? Absolutely Not. Only in a residence--just like beer or booze. I assume this one will be unversialy ignored just like drinking beer in the boat is now--with a number of people being charged for it every year.

I think it's going to be interesting.