Of Course I'm for it.

Richard, the Volstead Act was a complete failure and that was apperant from the get go but it took 11years to repeal it. The 'War on Drugs' is no different.

As a bit of a libertarian I would advocate for decriminalization but once the politicians realized the potential for revenue generation full legalization was the way to go. No stopping that train.

I, by design, have lived for the last 46 years in a low-population economically depressed backwater. I can think of several of my friends and aquaintces who have died as a direct result of alcohol addiction--car accidents, hangings and shootings included amongst them. Recently a friend of mine's son was shot and killed by a cop, and it happened because the young man was drunk. I don't particularly like that cop but I can't condem him for what he did. Alcohol and being drunk in your own home is perfectly legal but it can still get you killed right smartly.

For too long, we as a society, have expected the police to deal with what is essentially a medical problem--it doesn't work and we can't blame the police for that.

I know a lot of dope smokers here locally, they are hell on potatoes chips and don't seem to get much done but don't seem to get in much trouble either.

What Iam most surprised about is the number of people--my own age--who have admitted to using Cannibis on a regular basis. This as a direct result of recent discussions about legalization.