I've had three and a warning.

Warning was when I was going 81 in a 55 and was minor in possession. Call to my dad or ticket was the option. Called dad.

First ticket was 51 in a 25 coming into town while delivering Chinese food for beer money in college. Cop knew the Chinese couple that owned the restaurant, found I was sober and just completed the last delivery of the night and wanted to get back, cash out and get un-sober. It was 11pm or so on a weekend. He dropped it to 49 in a 25 for me so OH didn't revoke my license. Paid that one.

Got 2 in Seattle. One for about 10 over on Hwy 99 and I don't remember the other one.

Last time I got pulled over was a couple years ago. Some asshat was pulling a trailer doing 15 in a 30, I was following and honking for a mile or so, not able to pass. He takes a right turn at about 3mph so I check my driver's side mirror and go around- straight through the left turn lane. Apparently I should have also checked the rear-view because there was a cop behind me. Lights on and I would up pulling over in my front yard. Window down with the keys on the dash and hands on the wheel when the officer showed up at my window. Wanted to let me know I didn't signal when I went straight through the left turn lane. He wanted to know if I was the one honking at the guy with the trailer. Told him I was, and I was driving like an [bleep] which is normal for me. Didn't even ask for any documents, just told me to signal next time. He must have laughed when I started the car, pulled into the driveway in front of me parked and got out.

Originally Posted by Bristoe
It's about like this:

"Do you puff peters?"

"Hell no!"
