I was out sat/sun. Birds where missing, So I did not get to excited in the two areas I hunted. Missed a coyote sunday. Which I really should not have. It was not called in, spotted it cruising through a draw. I have been using an Elk call. The area I am hunting gets a lot of E-caller traffic. So I mostly just use Deer or Elk closed reed calls. If it gets windy I have a very loud custom that I can make some seriously growly death of deer sounds. Its type of sound has been the most productive over the years. But it is a call any predator call. Coyote - bobcat come in most often but cougar and bear have also.

The anti American Constitutional party (Democrat). Wants to dismantle your rights, limiting every aspect of your constitutional rights. Death by 1000 cuts is the tactic. Each cut bleeds constitutional rights to control you. Control is the goal.