Beginning on January 1, 2018, Proposition 63, ammunition sales must be conducted by or processed through licensed vendors. It will serve to prevent certain convicted criminals from purchasing ammunition once the new law for background checks for ammunition sales come online in July 2019.

Sales of ammunition by unlicensed individuals must be processed through a licensed ammunition vendor, in a manner similar to private party firearms transactions, and ammunition obtained over the Internet or from out of state must be initially shipped to a licensed ammunition vendor for physical delivery to the purchaser pursuant to a background check.

It means that, beginning January 1, 2018, online or catalogue ammunition purchases will need to be shipped to a licensed vendor for transaction, instead of having ammunition directly to the home. It expands throughout California similar local ordinances prohibiting direct mail of ammunition, already in place in some California cities.

The license requirements apply to individuals who sell more than 500 rounds of ammunition in any month. Those vendors must obtain an ammunition vendor license and conduct ammunition sales only at specified business locations. It means gun dealers must obtain a DOJ certificate of eligibility from employees who handle ammunition, verifying that they passed a background check.


November 9, 2016
It became illegal for a person to sell or transfer ammunition to a straw purchaser with knowledge or cause to believe that the straw purchaser would subsequently provide that ammunition to a prohibited person.
Gun dealers must now report the theft or loss of ammunition to local law enforcement, in addition to firearm thefts/losses.

Firearm Theft:
The theft of a firearm can be charged as a felony, no matter the firearm’s market value.
Individuals convicted of misdemeanor firearm theft are prohibited from possessing or purchasing a firearm for 10 years after conviction.

July 1, 2017

Lost/Stolen Firearms:
Firearm owners must notify local law enforcement regarding the theft or loss of a firearm within five days after the owner discovered or reasonably should have discovered the theft or loss.

Ammunition Seller Licensing:
DOJ started accepting applications for ammunition vendor licenses; licensed gun dealers automatically considered licensed ammunition vendors.
Ammunition vendors must report the theft/loss of ammunition to law enforcement and obtain a DOJ certificate of eligibility from employees who handle ammunition, verifying that they passed a background check.


Me solum relinquatis

Molon Labe