Originally Posted by ratsmacker

Fox squirrels like open country, like a few trees out in a pasture, or alongside a creek. Greys tend to stay in larger patches of timber, or big patches of woods, at least, that's how it is in N/C Missouri, where I grew up. If I wanted a few fox squirrels, I had to run down to the timber along the creek, or hit up that big oak tree up on top of the hill. If I wanted greys, I just hopped the fence to the woodlot just north of the house. N/W Missouri is really open country, so it doesn't surprise me that you've seen mostly fox squirrels there. Here in Kentucky, you rarely see a fox squirrel at all, same with Indiana, fox squirrels are downright rare.

Same way here....my favorite squirrel woods happens to be a an area that is around a thousand acres of big mature oak/pecan timber with varying levels of undergrowth; however it sits right alongside some open meadows with scattered timber...as such, we get quite a few of both foxes & greys, and now and then we see one of the small red squirrels (about half the size of a big grey), but the reds tend to stay way back in the thick stuff.

on warm sunny days in the winter, we'll spend most of the time sneaking around the open edges & doing a spot & stalk to catch them soaking up the sun....when doing so, i try to pack around one of the mach2's or one of the HMR's, as shots are longer...
