Originally Posted by Ole_270
I've got Grandpa's old bar. Solid, 1 1/4" or so, 5 ft long. Point on one end, hammered wide flat on the other, it's seen a lot of use over the last 100 or so years. Used it many a time to get through rock when digging post holes. I think I heard at one time it started out as a Model A truck axle?
There's another that may of been a railroad iron at one time. 1 3/4" or so square with one end rounded to an edge, the other end drops down to about an inch dia. for 3 ft or so.

sounds like mine. its been in the family for at least 50 years, no idea where it came from. its just right, not too heavy, yet heavy and stiff enough to pry or dig with. i have another one that is about 6 ft and flat on one end and a big nail head on the other. its ok for digging but too springy for prying. i think its made in china.

My diploma is a DD214