Ive been trying to kill these things everytime I go back to the family farm to visit...
One summer my dad and I shot 25 over three weekends and would see bears come to the pond to eat the carcasses.

Heres what I learned::

22 lr works better when they are out of the water. The body bouncy really takes energy out of the hit so get more energy.
22 mag or bigger works much better.
12 gauge buckshot looks cool when you see the balls skip on the water. I aim slightly low to use the skipping feature as a "cut off the top" function.
Get as high up above the water to make a bigger target and better kil shooting down on them. I erect a portable ladder stand near the pond edge to get above them.
Dont put the ladder stand on a tree they will eat!!!
Opening a hole in the dam really brings them in. Open it early in the morning if you want to drain water because it seems like they only work at night.

Finally.. you can sit there getting chewed up by bugs and have a big grin when you smoke them... but I'm going to start doing weekend connibear sets too.

I hate them enough that I have dedicated beaver guns.

Favorite... savage 24 in 12 ga and 223. Oh baby...

Other than that, How was the show Mrs. Lincoln?