Originally Posted by Sitka deer
Originally Posted by Beoceorl
The biggies I am always fighting are privet, elaeagnus (aka russian olive, and autumn olive), multiflora rose, wild cherry, and wild pear.

The rose and wild pear are the worst to deal with. Here's a pic of a typical wild pear thorn:

[Linked Image]

They go through gloves, boot soles, tractor tires, and steel belted truck tires.

Wow, That is an aggressive thorn!

These wild pear trees are the offspring of Bradford Pear trees. The Bradfords are hybrids, and will produce some fertile seed. Since the parent tree is a hybrid you get throw backs from the seed. The birds love the little grape sized fruits they produce, and scatter them all over the countryside. There are vacant lots and neglected pastures where you can see acres of nothing but wild pear.

Cutting one down is a real mess. The thorns are so numerous and long that the limbs lock together like velcro. They go through leather gloves like they're cotton. And if you miss any limbs or twigs cleaning up they will wreak havoc on your boots and tires later.

Boots were made for walking
Winds were blowing change
Boys fall in the jungle
As I Came of Age