Good evening to you David and thanks for the reply.

In my opinion you are spot on with regard to what's needed for Mr. Scheer - we need to have the CPC see lawful firearm owners as a key building block to their success.

We've done it previously and can repeat it if we have the will and I'm hopeful that the next young group of shooters and firearm owners will get on board with it.

Indeed between Ms. Rempel and Ms. Bergen - formerly Ms. Hoepner who was a key player in dismantling the long gun registry - I'm seeing two voices of reason who are the correct formula needed in our current political situation.

Anyway as always we'll continue to strive to change things for the better - better as we see it anyway David - and the other side can be counted on to do the same - of that I have no doubt.

Thanks again and all the best to you folks this spring again.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"