The last time they had the National Guard in my area of the border (Laredo Sector) they were here for support only and did jobs to free up Agents so they could get out in the field. No weapons. It is a total cluster [bleep] here gotten alot worse in the last 20 yrs. Last weekend had to go fix a gate at our place because the smugglers crashed thru it when being chased by B.P. This is an everyday thing. Those dipshits in washington dont know its a war down here. If you go out to check cows or fart around at the ranch you better be armed. The wets we call the Border Patrol on are mosltly central american el sal,honduras ect..Trash everywhere, cloths, they break into deer blind s to sleep get the picture.
Lucio Vidaurri III

" It's the nut behind the butt that makes the difference"