Originally Posted by Dillonbuck
I can't imagine paying $2k for a gun from Less Baer and then pickering around with it.
That makes me nervous. I could wanting a different length trigger. But, if spending $2k,
I would have figured that out before I spent $$$.

Boatboy, I would use caution, the owner makes me wary.
I over think things, but he might be a tinkerer. I would hate
to see you drop that much coin on what should be a great gun,
and get a stepped on turd.

I have LB and don’t intend on making any changes. That being said almost anything made can be fine tuned.
I own a good number of S&W revolvers . Until this year had never removed the side plate on a single one. A friend of mine is a quite good pistol smith. I asked to show me how to clean and lube a revolver. With this he did , along with a lesson on how to improve the trigger. Am I a pistol smith. Not even close. But I think you might be surprised at the number of members of this forum tinker. Hasbeen

(Better a has been than a never was!)

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