Thank God that Evil Entity is not our President.

Today she is a pathetic old hag. In 2008 she had the nomination wrapped up, I remember and interview in March of that year, Katie Couric said "But what if you don't get the nomination."
And she replied, in her condescending way, "But, I will be the nominee."

No, she wasn't she lost to an utterly unqualified Negro community organizer.

Again, in 2016, she had the election wrapped up, and somehow she lost to a NY businessman with no political experience.
She is the most pathetic loser in American Presidential history.

Yeah, she might run in 2020 but Libs with any brains are hoping that she will just dry up and go away. Her obvious health problems made it almost impossible for her to campaign two years ago, and her health ain't getting any better.
She is so self absorbed she can't realize that she is making a fool of herself. She is a pitiful creature.

And, Thank God she is not our President.