Originally Posted by Klikitarik
I seriously dislike and avoid malls.

That being said, my wife wanted a perm so we stopped to see the folks at Regis in the small local mall. I knew it would be awhile so I went and ran some errands , then came back to wait for her (since I was holding the payola.)

So I took a seat on one of the mall benches and sat there... until the mall cop came by and started questioning my purpose in sitting on the bench. ("I am waiting for my wife.") "Well, I wasn't so sure about you, because you never replied when I said hello." WTF???? That's a crime these day???I apologized for the slight and he went on his way.

After 10-15 minutes he came back around, approached me once more and told me he sensed I was "giving off bad vibes." I told him it was no such thing, "Leave me along, I'm hurting no one. Get away from me."

At that point I got up to leave, and he asked why I was being hostile. I raised my voice and told him to stop harassing me, something he denied. Then he told me to leave or he would call the cops. So I went and sat back down. He again repeated the same threat. I told him to call 'em.

So then I sat and continued to wait for my wife and he went outside, pressing buttons on his phone while he did.

The cops never showed and I waited the remaining 20 minutes until my wife was done, we paid, and then left.

I don't know WTF is wrong with us sexagenarians these days.

Mall Cop Salsa doesn't actually sound like a bad trapping bait.

You are a goose, it is because you have "independent conservative" stamped across your face...I have "[bleep] off and leave me alone" on mine so I get left in peace.

These are my opinions, feel free to disagree.