one man made it his life's obsession here in Cincinnati

There are lots of ways for you to waste time and money fooling around with moles. There are home remedies, retail gimmicks, concoctions, even inexperienced companies more than happy to help you fool with them.

Homeowners get confused by all of the conflicting “advice” on mole control. It seems like anyone and everyone has their two-bits worth of mole remedies and concoctions. They’d like you to believe that every control method or home remedy is worth trying. Over the years, I made it a point to learn all that I could about mole behavior and control. I’ve even lectured on the subject at Purdue, Ohio State University, Clemson and most recently Penn State University (January 1999). The bottom line is simple. Chemicals and home remedies (including castor oil, grub controls and poisons) don’t work. They’re not only ineffective, but allow the moles time to establish and become major problems. All knowledgeable sources consider trapping the only effective method of mole control!

When moles have been a problem for any length of time or when residential properties are bounded in any way by woodland (a mole’s natural habitat), trapping is most effective when done over long periods of time. If you decide to use a trapper, insist on long term contracts. Get references! If you want to do the trapping, take some time to learn about a moles habits and biology. (Get some hands-on help if available.) The mole’s home range is measured in acres so almost any mole problem is usually a part of a larger mole population. Trapping is a war of attrition. It’s labor intensive, time consuming, and it’s effective.

Last edited by KFWA; 07/02/18.

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