1st post here! I was looking up some info on my new pack and stumbled across this forum/post. Yes, I took the chance and bought one. At the same show the OP was talking about... After talking with them and then wearing 60lbs+ in their pack while walking around the entire show, I bit. (Didn't hurt that the show discount was $95, lol) All that and they're local to me, which is nice.

This coming weekend will be my first real test of it... Wife and I will be backpacking in the Trinitys to check a possible elk spot. Very much looking forward to fining out how it'll perform!! I've used internal and external frame packs from $50 to $600+ for both general backpacking and hunting. Especially with the weight in it, this one just felt "right". (your mileage may vary wink )

Anyways... I'm off to check out the rest of these forums! Cheers smile