I always do a light sear on the stove top in my dutch oven then place in the oven on low heat with a good amount of water. The meat has been seasoned & several slices of onion tossed on top. About 2 hrs before finishing up I had the carrots & taters, carrots always take longer. Garlic is always used as is Johnny's seasoning.
Always comes out tender, juicy & ready to make a nice gravy. Forgot, I also add some beef broth or a couple packages of gravy mix. Sticking a fork in the meat & twisting can tell you when its ready.
I've also buried the dutch oven in the ground after burning out the hole for a few hours earlier. Dig it up after coming back from a hunt & you'll eat a fine supper, trust me. Cover the oven with some foil between the oven & lid or use an old piece of roofing tin to keep the dirt out of your food & add a piece of bailing wire to the handle so you can dig it out easier.
