Originally Posted by Middlefork_Miner
Originally Posted by RollingThunder
Both Butina and Torshin are going to play a big role going forward.

Tons of Russian money rolled into the political campaigns nationally through the NRA. It's not a surprise that she was arrested.

You know what ???? I could give a schitt if Russia sent Trump a check for $ XXX,XXX,XXX,XXX,XXX,XXX.00 I"LL STILL VOTE FOR HIM IN THE NEXT ELECTION....as will most other patriotic Americans, including more than a few democrats who've grown tired of the non stop lies and obstruction....let me be clear.....WE'RE NOT BUYING YOUR BOOLSCHITT ! ! !

Also......I could have told you (virtually verbatim) what the grandstanding politicians, intelligence community and media were going to say not only before, but during AND AFTER his meeting with Putin....

This boolschitt of sowing hate and discontent to create division and chaos amongst us citizens is gonna bite you ass holes in the butt......

The campaigns I was referring to were at the congressional level. Many politicians took impermissible amounts of money from impermissible sources. Unlike Trump, these politicians don't have executive immunity or pardon power. Lots of members of congress are going to hate what Butina reveals when she starts squealing to save her own hide.