Originally Posted by JamesJr
I don't like tariffs of any kind. They are too discriminate, helping one person, while they hurt another. I own a farm, and a lot of my income comes from that farm. The neighbor who rents the cropland has about 100 acres in soybeans here, and I want him to make money, because if he does, then he can keep leasing my land at the current rate. If crop prices go down, then he won't be able to keep paying me at that rate.

What helps some person in the steel industry, is of little concern to me, and I'm sure he has little compassion for the farmers. China will benefit, America will pay the price.

James just the boys talking here but you might consider partnering with that guy. We started in 1971 with a leased 440 acres, hit it big at 13$/bushel and 38 bushels/acre. Big for us just starting out. Now up to 2200 acres and got part of that by partnering with the landowner giving him the 1st 10 bushels off every acre saving us the initial rental fee upfront. A big risk but Mother Nature blessed us. Some years we were able to beat the clock and doubled down with winter wheat.
There are other ways, too. I’m now pretty much out of the active part of it, gradually fading to the background. Can’t say I miss it.

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What we've learned from history is that we haven't learned from it.