Hmmm... obviously the improved clinch knot works, even though I have this hang up about the line coming out of bent eye hooks with a straight pull. (I have a preference re which way TP comes off the roll also... blush)

TOM's method of tying the tippet to the body of the fly somewhere rather than at the eye may be a solution to having the line come out straight yet not be cinched against the potential sharp end of the hook wire. For some flies that would be an easy way to tie, others have fluff in the way of a clean pull.

How small of minutia can I/we obsess about when it comes to fly fishing?!

Our trout have not read eastern fly fishing books and seem to think that a big sloppy fly that lands with a splash is a full meal deal rather than having it spook them. And I am obsessing about the knot??!!