I own a piece of property in North Central Arizona
The area is checker boarded State Trust Lands and Private Ranchets

The original Rancher that subdivided the property's is Clear cutting the Cedar trees off of the State Trust lands he says for the grazing for his cows
I have been on the phone with several State Departments and no one at the State level wants to do anything about answering our questions.

The Rancher is cutting every tree in sight and just leaving them where they lay.
He did this 4 years ago and the Ranchet owners were able the stop him but he never cleaned up the fallen trees (dead trees laying all over the place)
Saturday he had 2 crews cutting trees one of the Ranchet guys got Pissed and started lobbing bullets over their heads.

Today the Rancher brought in 6 crews and are destroying everything in sight Acres and Acres a friend up there says it is like a war zone fallen trees everywhere.
The State Trust lands are 1 sq. mile and are being eaten up by this ARSS HOLE.

If the Clearing was for more grazing land I and others up there think that he would clean everything up to open the ground for his cattle no cow is going to stick his head into a prickly dead cedar tree to get to 2 inch grass in the middle of it.

Most of the areas cut this go around have no sign of his cattle even being in the area and no grass in sight.

The only thing that is going to happen is it will drive all off the Deer and Elk out of the area leaving us with the unwanted pigs and rattle snakes.

I have called and left messages with the Mojave County Emergency Management (no call back yet) , State Forestry & Fire (promised to call me back today and did not) . State Water Resources Called me back today and told me they could not help us and gave me another # to call) State Game and Fish(No Help past me to BLM it is not their jurisdiction) Arizona Land Office (no help yet)

Anyone on the Fire have any suggestions

Need help before all the trees are gone and we have a desert for the surrounding State Trust lands