L to R, Front:

RAS, Young RAS (Mason), Rick99, DSR1935, SoutherWiSavage, Lightfoot, Skidrow, John Allen, Calhoun

L to R, back:

SavageUpNorth, Docost, Don & Dave (DSR1935's sons), Merle, BigOldDave, CMHJohn, KeithNyst

Attendees not in the photo:

SVG250, 5Savage and father Patrich, GeneB and guest Jeff, CowboyTim and guest Rich, JohnAllen's wife Randy,

Gophergunner and son Eric, Stockmeyerfarms and wife Sharon, Leadminer and Trapper69.

Hopefully I didn't leave anyone out.

Savage...never say "never".

Join the NRA...together we stand, divided we fall!