Must be VERY "exciting",to catch fhuqking Bait and rejoice in same,while counting the STUPIDITY. Congratulations?!? Laffin'!

Perspective,never ain't not interesting. Hint.

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Funny schit,to swoon fhuqking Smolt!

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Pardon today's weather.

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Creeks were barren today. Laffin'!

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A 12" Trout has just GOTTA be "rewarding",for Couchbound Kchunts. Pass the 12-pounders,hiding in today's raging torrents. Hint. Laffin'!

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Hell...Critters leave Specimens far more Grand than that,laying on the bank,here in Kansas(today). Laffin'!

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Pardon The Splendor RINK

Coupla Kansas Trout Today RINK

Fall Trout Closeup Today RINK

You Do NOTHING DUMB Fhuqks are a hoot,please keep the "excellent" pics and "Adventures" coming! Any "special" Riggin' or "techniques",to reliably do sooooooooooooo fhuqking schitty? Do tell!

Bless your hearts.


Wow +P++!