Originally Posted by Jim_Conrad
My friend swore up and down that he used to deliver keg beer to Fairbanks.

His trailer was loaded with kegs and he was given a big box of lids.

He was to administer the lids as he saw fit. MGD, High Life or Lite.

It mattered not.

Our poker group had a loud-mouthed member who swore by "his" brand of beer. We kept one of "his" empty cans in the kitchen and every time he would holler at someone on their way to get a beer to bring him one of "his" beers, we would open something else and pour it into the empty can (kept cool in the 'fridge) an present it to him. We would then be treated to a lengthy discourse on how it was so much better than the tschidt that the rest of us drank. (We drank "his" beer in mugs so as not to have the cans show.)

Not a real member - just an ordinary guy who appreciates being able to hang around and say something once in awhile.

Happily Trapped In the Past (Thanks, Joe)

Not only a less than minimally educated person, but stupid and out of touch as well.