Jeezus Fhuqking Gawd...what a right proper Whining CLUELESS Fhuqking Kchunt Convention! Congratulations?!?

It's never been difficult to cypher,who actually shoots and who sure in the fhuqk do not. HINT.

Will a .264" 147 ELD,fly shy of a .284" 180 ELD's splendor? Yep. Why? Bullets matter wayyyyyyyy more than fhuqking headstamps and the .697BC of the 147,just "happens" to be shy of the .796 Magnitude of the 180. Can/will a Barrett Fieldcraft Smooch both from OEM mag confines? Assuredly. Best bullet ALWAYS fhuqking wins. Hint. Read that again. Now one more time and feel free to nod your empty heads,like you "understand". Laffin'!

Feel free to add case capacity beyond the 264 Kreedmire's cubic volume and whether it 260 or 260AI with 147's...the "lowly" 7-08 still remains King(easy to spot some barrel length too). HINT. I realize that Facts and Physics are rather upsetting to The Do Nothing Gang and that certainly do bolster the fhuqking Humor Quotient. I also VERY much enjoyed the "notion" that all cartridges are "equal" inside the 500yd line,in regards to boolits and their affects,in a myriad of combinations!!! Lemme letcha' in on a leetle "secret" and that's the simplistic constant,that nothing matters more than boolits,at any fhuqking distance. Hint. Now you Amazingly STUPID Fhuqks "know" that too. Laffin'! Easy for me to say,if only because I shoot it all and then some. For the Slowest of the fhuqking SLOW,the 180 ELD don't suck outta a 7-08AI either. You'll wanna read that again,as Sensory Overload kicks in. Subtle HINT.

1000 words in Splendid Pixels. AICS unbindered for the .473's and Montucky OEM Issued COAL Smooches for the .532. Google it! Laffin'!

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I also very much enjoy The Ruse,that yesterday's 'Swede,"equalled" a Kreedmire. It couldn't,wouldn't,didn't...because them boolits had yet to be Invented. HINT. Not that I don't always enjoy some Pavement Pounder waxing eloquent through quivering lips and trembling fingers,with Sectional Density Delusions and other contrived bullschit. RE-HINT. Laffin'!

There is only (1) chambering thus far cited in this Thread that I do not own,that because it's a piece of fhuqking schit,though I have shot it in Krunchentickers and that's the .450 Bushmaster. Rather like the full length parent in .243",.257",.264",.308" and 338",but was too much of a good thang in .224"(for me).

The same old never Have Done A Fhuqking Thing,Or Ever Will Do A Fhuqking Thing Whiners,gotta plagiarize charts and unleash their Imagination and it's Pretend,as a "foothold". Funny schit and I mean fhuqking FUNNY!

Pardon the FACT,that boolits matter in a Krunchenticker,even when fed ASC's. Hint. The 22 Grendel/75 ELD Krunchenticker Smooches and 243 Grendel/105'Max/HPBT and 108 ELD Krunchenticker Smooches are simply sensational. I tossed a 6BR/105 'Max/HPBT Smooch in bindered AICS Primal Guts or bindered AICS PVA Guts in the fray,so you "hard chargers" can say you've "seen" one of them too and pardon the 270 with 105's in AM 5-round Defaulters. As an aside,pass Primal Guts and hold the Fluff. Hint. Laffin'! Google away,you STUPID Fhuqks.

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Heed false shoulders,Smooches,throat geometry and COAL latitude,if only obviously...while everything is the "same" inside the 500yd line. I'm fhuqking CRYIN'...I'm LAFFIN' soooooooooo hard. You poor poor(literally) STUPID Fhuqks. Hint. Nod in unison,like you "understand". A pun be fhuqking intended,to boot. Laffin'!

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Now it'll only come as a "surprise" to THE Peckerpole Princess,that not all actions are equal. Hint. As fhuqking MAGNIFICENT as the Barrett Short Action Fieldcrafts are,their Long Actions suck ass,due simply to COAL latitude,which precludes ring the bell and now you can say you "know" that too. Same goes Teeker,Ruger and the ilk. Hint. LAFFFIN'!

All "new" to me!!! You gals REALLY get to "see" and "do" it "all" and LUCKILY for you,Imagination and Pretend are free,so you can "afford" to "contribute". HINT. Laffin'!

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It never ain't not funnier than fhuqk,to hand CLUELESS Dumb Fhuqks all of the slack on the rope,in which they "think" they can "handle". You gals are doing "GREAT". Hint. Laffin'!!!

Be sure to get lippy,if you dare pry your kchunts from the couch and the Cat don't get your tongues. Do not "forget" particulars,even though you have ZERO savvy on what do what,or why. Twist,throat geometry and COAL latitude are THE heartbeat of any/all rifles and it is never not a fascinating journey,for sooooo many to soooooooo badly botch the obvious,by doing their BEST,as factored by their "knowledge","experience" and "results" "lucky" kchunts!!! Oh and say sumptin' about scopes too. Hint. Laffin'!

Such things just "happen" to matter in Rimfire and now you Stupid Fhuqks can say you "know" that too!

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If'n you are gonna slum Factory Fodder,it's Kreedmire by a mile. If you are loading for a sound rifle and don't "forget" about Twist,throat geometry and COAL latitude...the 7mm is King. But none of you Stupid Fhuqks has the savvy to set a rifle up,to eek even 30% of the goody outta it and please do not discount that Humor Quotient either. 'Tis a simply shame,you CLUELESS Kchunts are devoid an inkling,to the outright MAGNIFICENCE of your Stupidity. Hint.

You've been led to water.

Thank me later.



WOW +P++!!!