
My GUESS, based on 50 years of "messing about with" rifles, is that the MOST likely action is a Model 98, 93 or 96 Mauser.
(Such surplus rifles were once CHEAP. = In 1965 I "had my choice of" over 50 K-98 Mauser rifles from Pre-WWII for 10 bucks each in "near new" condition. - I hate to think now how many GREAT Mauser rifles that I cut-up for sporters, way back then.)

The firearm that I was directly involved in RUINING was a M1911 COLT military in MINT condition from 1917. - My customer insisted that I send it out to be the beautiful blue stripped & heavily coated with automotive BUMPER CHROME.= It makes me ILL to think about ruining the pistol.

yours, tex


William Barrett Travis, Lt.Col., comdt.
Fortress of The Alamo, Bejar
F'by 24, 1836