Originally Posted by kenjs1
Looking forward to getting out of Dodge, to the camper and lease. This work day won't end fast enough for me.

I sincerely want to wish everyone a memorable opening day. Be thankful we get to do this and sew that peace and joy in others you are with.

Be safe! Unchamber that thing before it goes back in the vehicle. Always look past what you shoot.

Bring some ear plugs - especially for any young'un you bring. You don't want them deaf as half of us older guys.

Be kind to the newbies whose dink to them is a trophy. Tell them it is. Be magnanimous, even to the know it all, just let it go and and feel good about yourself. Show what person you can be.

BREATHE the clean air, and sing those praises to the almighty under your breath.

Thank you, Rick, for all the fellow members in the spirit of a campfire as it was intended. Have a great opening my friends.

You are a true sportsman. Well said. I see a lot of trophy mania, "gadget envy", and materialism making its way into hunting. There is a loss of the joy of "fair chase" and of enjoying His Creation. I hope many on here read your post and take it to heart.

Last edited by reivertom; 11/02/18.