Jim; Not everyone will be beaten and blugeoned by life to the extent necessary for the surrender process to be forced on them as it was on me , and perhaps you .If you are going to help a feller become "unlost" , you need to give him directions . The directions won't make any sense to him unless you start him from where he is .

As long as a man thinks he is sufficient unto himself , he ain't gonna accept help from a Higher Being . That sort of man ain't gonna check his brain at the door of the closest bible study . Almost every man believes in a Higher Power of some sort . Being a commited athiest requires more stamina than most folks are able to sustain .

Everyone has a philosophy of life . Ask any wino ! They have to "buy into " the idea that maybe their philosophy is lacking .

The bible is of no use in reaching those self sufficient folks . You are trying to start them from a place they ain't . For years it seemed to me the bible-thumpers were saying ; " Get over here and then go this way ".

I couldn't ever " get over there "! I had to start where I was , not where they wanted me to be .

Never holler whoa or look back in a tight place