Chesterwy ,

Thanks for replying , I read 7 pages in - turned into a fight/discussion on is shooting dogs chasing game animals moral or not . Legal yes - moral ?

Dogs were German Sheperds 6 miles out in the wilderness - rancher nearby had had trouble with them and was glad they were shot . Dogs were laying by his backpack when he was going to collect a antler shed - he shot them ? Not something I would do but I wasn't there and don't know his reasons .
What I wouldn't do is paste it all over social media !

There's more than one elkxyz name on instagram - I've been reading all day - too tired to think about it right now .
He got two wolves so that's good .

PRESIDENT TRUMP 2024/2028 !!!!!!!!!!

Posted by Bristoe
The people wringing their hands over Trump's rhetoric don't know what time it is in America.