Originally Posted by kwg020

I don't know of a carbide die for .223. I lube my .223 cases with the RCBS glycerin lube. I put 200 cases in a plastic gallon bag and put in a small amount of glycerin lube. I then stir the bag around to spread the lube. If I have time I do it 24 hours before I resize and the lube will creep over the brass that didn't get lube placed on it. If I don't have 24 hours it takes a little more lube but I stir the brass around in the bag to get it all covered.

I stopped using the pad years ago and started using the plastic gallon bag. I even keep the bag since it has some lube in it for the next time I want to resize some brass. I put the bag in a plastic jar that is air tight. After resizing the brass I spray it with some window cleaner in a plastic coffee can and rinse it in hot water about 5 minutes later. This cleans up the brass nicely. Separate out the brass from the water and let it dry. I have an old metal coffee can and I put the can on a small oil heater and let it dry over night. In the summer I put the brass in a plastic coffee can and let it set outside in the sun.

Smart man. More than one way to skin a cat.