I've never packed elk antlers on my llamas. In so. Idaho the elk hunting is mostly by draw and cow tags are FAR easier to get than bulls. Often the hardest part of a hunt is getting the tag. I've packed a lot of deer antlers, though. They're much easier to tie on a saddle than elk.
I fully agree on the fun of hitting the back country with a string of llamas you've raised and trained yourself. They're so easy to deal with and just plain fun, even if they don't want you scratching their ears like you do with a horse. We always have to allot picture taking time on the trail. Hikers always want to take pictures of them, usually with them by a llama. Sometime question sessions get kind of lengthy. One time we encountered a group of 18 women. By the time they all got their picture taking done, we'd killed a full 1/2 hour.

β€œIn a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
― George Orwell

It's not over when you lose. It's over when you quit.