I just received this below via email from my outfitter...

Dear All,

I do not come with good news! Last week our camp Arly Safaris, the first hunting concession and camp ever to be set up in Burkina over 30 years ago, was attacked and burnt by Muslim Jihadists! Since then they have also attacked a number of other hunting camps and burnt and destroyed them as well. In our camp fortunately no one was injured or killed, I am not sure about the other camps!

This is a huge setback for everyone, starting from you the client, without your support none of this would be possible, me the agent, the concession owner, the people who worked in these camps and depended on this income for their very survival, the poor villagers who depended on their share of the game meat (a third of all the meat by law goes to the surrounding villages) and finally all the animals, which will no doubt be gone forever if this situation continues!

Let us hope for the best and hope that things will turn around sooner than later. The concession owner is determined to rebuild and start again and has asked me to assure you that your deposits will be honored and you will be welcomed as the first clients to hunt there when it all reopens.

I am truly sorry for this situation and will be doing everything I can to bring this matter in to the spot light of the International hunting community and anyone else who cares! Any help in this regard will be greatly appreciated. I will be at SCI and DSC, if you are planning on attending either of these shows please stop by my booth numbers are below.

Wishing you and your families a Merry Christmas and a Wonderful New Year.

Thanking you,

Kind Regards,

Arjun Reddy

Conduct is the best proof of character.