First off, Very sorry for your loss. Your Dad's collection is quite impressive. I'm sure it's a bit of work photographing and listing them.

No offense meant and no harm intended. But, my question to you is this: Have you actually sold any of these knives yet? Current offerings from some of the best knifemakers in the country don't push these price points. So, personally, I wouldn't have an interest. But, that's just my opinion. Others may feel differently.

If I were you and your brother, I may not be able to sell them at all, given they once belonged to my father. Everything I have of my Dad's, I couldn't sell right now. Even the guns I bought him. Maybe that will change in the future. I don't know.

So, I guess my point is this: Do you really want to sell the knives or do you really want to keep them? That is the real decision. Obviously, they are very valuable to you.

Note: High end perfect items typically don't sell well here on the fire. (See pre64 Winchester Model 70's). There may be a better market elsewhere.

Hope this helps get you to wherever you want to go.

Slaves get what they need. Free men get what they want.

Rehabilitation is way overrated.

Orwell wasn't wrong.

GOA member
disappointed NRA member