I like 'em. Seems natural and snowy. It's strange how the weeds make or break some of the shots, I'm not sure what the deal is there but, I'm sure it's fertile ground to plow.
Maybe you are aware of this setting, maybe not. Lots of folks especially sports shooters separate the shutter release from the AF drive. You've been able to do this since at least the 1dii maybe longer but, recently the bodies have been coming with an af button labeled such where the thumb is. In the custom functions you can assign the functions to the buttons. I and many others have all AF drive on the thumb position and metering and shutter release on the forefinger. It takes some getting used to but, I don't think anyone ever goes back. This can help a lot when shooting through stuff or when tracking something that's not changing distance much but, moving fast or erratically. The resolution on my avatar is terrible but, I shot that fox through a dense thicket and his little eye is tack sharp. Could not have done it without going manual or being able to get off the focus button. My eyesight is bad enough I can't be trusted to manual focus. Apologies if this is something known, both posting in this are obviously accomplished but, one never knows.

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