Not enough information...
Where exactly is the crack? Against the flats on the ears it is not likely to split more, but something made it split there so you have to look.

It is very easy to fix a crack like that, but it might not be as easy to fix whatever caused the crack.

Clitoris have a lot of small crack issues like that as a result of wood not having been seasoned long enough. Look at the next figured stock you see and feel the figured areas. They are almost always quite wavy across fiddleback and other highly figured areas due to rushing the drying before use.

If it is somewhere else along the action it is possible something is causing the problem. I found a slice of penny in a Clitori stock which I believe was put there to introduce cast and reduce drop. It caused the wood to crack in two lines...

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.