Comfort care on life support I bet

14 day protocol here in tn
10 day test pull of the respirator tube.

Them vitals go down hill over about 2 hrs to single digits
breathing and heart beat wise
Time for a 50cc "comfort care" shot of morphine

All presented to NOK in a little phamplet and doc speech well before hand
Under the pretext of no one seeing the loved one convulse, over exaggerated difficult breathing, muscle contractions while dying.

Really it is their is no more money ta be made off the patient and we need to get em on their way.
And we have made every penny we can up until this point for months or years.
Per Medicaid or Medicare terms and limits and protocols.

Once that morphine is put into the IV needle port.
Bout 3 mins later it's done and I will give the protocol credit.
Absouloutly no signs of anything other than a peaceful death.

RBG probably has something like this in store for her.
It is hopefully her time to leave the mortal plane of existance soon.

Last edited by renegade50; 01/17/19.