Originally Posted by Savage_Hunter
Originally Posted by Armednfree
My sister in law and her husband were over. They've been married 30 years. We are talking about that when she rears up and says, " I don't know if there will be any more! I caught him looking at porn on the computer. That's like cheating!"

So we go one talking for a few minutes and I said, " I don't mean to pry, but how long has it been since you and Butch had sex?" Butch spouts out "Nine years!" Then I said to Linda, " Linda, if that is true then it seems to me that you broke the marriage covenant nine years ago and he is just reacting to it."

She stormed off to the kitchen and my wife followed. I could hear some excited talk, then she said, " Butch, it's time to go." So butch gets up and shakes my hand to leave, Linda didn't even look at me.

Diana comes in a few minutes later a bit mad at me, " You didn't have to say that to her!" she says. I simply replied, " Just telling the truth sweetheart."

you did the absolute right thing.

I am a pastor. If that conversation had went down in a counseling session, I would have told her more or less the same thing.

In fact, I have said that same thing from the pulpit in a sermon on marital fidelity.
The Bible would even say that she has been in sin for the 9 years that she has refused sex with her husband.

had gone I am working on this one with my grandson now. You'll never use "had went."