Originally Posted by Gus
i was hunting before i was 16 and needed a hunting license.

hunting on family land, for squirrels and rabbits.

once got a fox sneaking up on the henhouse.

does a hunting license allow for the expression of male aggressiveness?

or is there more to it than that? women hunt too, right?

so, organic game animals are a resource & food source.

we use to have quail (partridges) but they're mostly gone.

so, here we are on the internet, in endless discussions.

i use to own a concealed carry permit, but no more.

no, it wasn't rejected due to whatever. i just got tired of taxes.

if one qualifies (is a citizen??) for a pistol permit, should it cost?

Not for me Gus. Hunting has always been pretty much devoid of emotion for me. Just a job, and meat in the freezer. Much the same as knocking down a beef or hog in the pasture.

Dozens and dozens of deer,100s and 100s of pheasant, duck, and quail, even a cow elk. A bit of satisfaction with a good shot and a clean kill, but mostly a nothing-burger emotionally.

In the first sentence I said "pretty much". That qualifier refers to my first bull elk, a nice five point. Knocked down at 400 yds, and nearly 1/2 hour to trek across a canyon picking my way through buck brush and downed aspen higher than my head. When I finally made it down to the bull, I was bit overwhelmed at the majesty of the creature.The one and only time hunting was anything other than work and harvesting of meat.

So, no, there is certainly no aggression in me while hunting. Anyone who would claim so, has no knowledge of the sport. They are akin to the Democrat claiming we are training our children to be serial killers or mass murderers when we teach them to shoot..

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.