As a internet surfer, I don't let facts get in my way!
Honestly, it is irrelevant to me whether my rifle is a 99 or 1899, but in my mind, there is a "cool" factor to the 1899 imprint.
In reality, I feel a bit of pride in actually hunting with the old girl. She has enabled me to take several whitetail bucks, and just last Sept, a Newfie bull moose. Every one was a clean kill.
To my eyes, she a handsome blend of walnut and steel that is a wonderful thing to drag around the woods. I often wonder what tales she could tell about her first 80+ years.

Imagine your grave on a windy winter night. You've been dead for 70 years.
It's been 50 since a visitor last paused at your tombstone.....
Now explain why you're in a pissy mood today.