She'll have more tales to tell when you are done with her by the look of things.

Imagine the first man that took her out of the box 80 years ago and held her in his hands. His brand new rifle that he had dreamed about and saved and saved for. Probably wore the pages out of an old Savage catalog looking at it daily for who knows how long. Think about the men that will hold it and admire it long after you are gone. A perfect combination of beautiful wood and steel painstakingly made piece by piece by master craftsman long since dead and gone.

Can give you goose bumps and make your hair stand up if you think about it too hard and too long...

"You cannot invade mainland America. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass"
~Admiral Yamamoto~

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. ~Thomas Jefferson~