I’ve owned two awesome hunting dogs over the years. Blue, a Black Lab was a champion retriever at several puppy trials that my trainer entered him into. I stopped the trials eventually and let him just hunt his ass off on upland birds, pheasants, ducks and geese...Blue would “Mark” ducks from his hidden spot inside my blind. Slight whimper from him told me birds were working the edge of the deeks...High fliers he wouldn’t make any sound knowing they weren’t gonna turn.

Flyer was a small Springer Spaniel that I bought from a guy cheap who had dumped a lot of hunt training into her. He didn’t have the time to hunt her much. He sold her to me feeling bad about the dog not getting to do what he trained it for...Super dog. She didn’t realize she was undersized when she make a long swim retrieves with a goose in her mouth that would almost sink her swimming back to the blind. Both dogs were excellent in temperament and loved to work (hunt) or be treated like royalty at home after helping me fill limits.


Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”