Agree, too many don't have consistent grip or form.

Since the shooter is part of the system, I don't see how a shop can tune a bow and then hand it off to the person and call it "done".
It might be, might not.

The owner needs to shoot it and see.

I can set my bow up, take it out and it's fine.
No further adj needed.

But I have good grip and form and have had it, for over 30 years smile
I had perfect followthrough when my 82# PSE split the riser LOL.

I shoot an open stance, and don't have fat don't wear an armguard. Don't need one unless it's to keep a sleeve out of the way.
Recurve or compound............armguard is saved for hunting or cold weather 3D.

That reminds me............"snow shoot". One club used to have one, long gone.............housing addition in that chunk o woods now.

Good times.