Originally Posted by rockinbbar
Originally Posted by smokepole
WTF are you talking about? I said I agreed with your previous statement that we should end our ridiculous asylum policy, 100%.

I saw that. But to think that each and every one of them haven't been coached about asylum policies is akin to sticking your head in the sand. Or in your case, perhaps living too far from ground zero.

There has been a huge shift in who and what are entering illegally.

It used to be Mexican "migrant farm workers", or cowboys entering illegally. They would work for a couple of years, go back and visit their families, and then return. Workers.

Now it's totally different demographics. They are coming for citizenship, welfare, and healthcare. They are not Mexicans either, the majority or them.

These caravans are coached and helped from the onset. Organized invasion efforts. Nothing more.

Again, WTF are you talking about? Did you actually read the two sentences you're questioning? In your rush to tell me I should be ashamed of myself and I'm siding with criminals, you blew right by what I actually said and read all kinds of bulsh** into it that wasn't there.

I said nothing about immigrants not being coached but according to you, I think they weren't coached. WTF are you talking about?? Tell me what I said that gave you that idea. If they didn't know what "asylum" meant, which is what I said, then obviously someone had to coach them on that.

Also, your attempt to "educate" me on the kind of immigrants we have now vs. what we had in the past ignores what I actually said. I said they "decided to emigrate," you should look up the definition of "emigrate." It means leave your home country permanently, not cross the border, work some, and go back home.

Like I said, you should apologize but I know you won't. You don't have it in you.

A wise man is frequently humbled.