Originally Posted by Tejano
What I don't understand is why European Boar are not as problematic as feral hogs are. Is it because they are mostly on shooting estates in Europe? I know they have wandered into urban areas including down town Berlin but otherwise I am not aware of as many problems with them.

I would love to have a full blown pig drive here. Some of the places I have hunted it would be no big trick to shoot 300 or more per drive.

From what I understand they are. The mother of a friend of mine, who is German, still lives in Germany and is a huntress. She was telling him that the boar population is out of control, especially now that farming has taken on a more "American model," i.e., large swaths of land under the plow. The boar are destroying crops, forests, and fields just like they do here. More food equals more boar, which equals more destruction. And, of course, the hunters now have the eco-terrorists to deal with as well, always trying to stop, or at least disrupt, the hunts.

"An archer sees how far he can be from a target and still hit it, a bowhunter sees how close he can get before he shoots." It is certainly easy to use that same line of thinking with firearms. -- Unknown