I’ll throw out my view and few experiences regarding “large-group, guided” pheasant hunting in SD. This is the scenario in which you don’t know many of the guys put together for the “walk-n-block” hunts. I have had a “blocker” hold his gun muzzle waist level pointed at the oncoming walkers — mostly me. He was initially offended at my pointing it (no pun intended) out to him.

I have had a “walker” fire across a field at me while I was blocking on an end corner; a shot chipped the frame of my shooting glasses. Another guy, who had been blocking, discharged his gun into the ground between his feet as Just as we finished a drive. We probably had 10-12 guys standing around the end of field within 20 yards of him. This guy barely knew what end was the pointed one.

The point is that despite most being avid hunters and experienced gun-handlers there are a lot of the other kind that make their way to SD for the famous pheasant hunts too. Most guides will have a safety talk but that didn’t prevent the above incidents from happening.

The camaraderie and social aspect of these kinds of hunts are undeniable but when you don’t know the individuals you can’t assume anything. I will no longer take part in these events or with anyone someone in my party doesn’t know.

Last edited by George_De_Vries_3rd; 03/02/19.