Interesting rebuttal MCH.

Im sure you are quite skilled at jamming your knife into a wire bundle and stripping wire for what ever reason you do that. It tends to make make stray insulation piercings that cause arching issues or wire corrosion issues later causing machine breakdowns. I'm sure you're a rocket surgeon in your ability though.

You missed the NASACR analogy completely. Reading comprehension didn't come through. I'm sure your rotors are quite pretty and over priced compared to the NASCAR Car I never said I owned...

Back to knife discussion? You have yet to come up with anything technical why a benchmade knife can justify the 2-3X cost over other brands. Similar steels and body materials don't justify it, but you have a great warranty and sharpening service. Benchmade makes sooo damn much money on the product that they just send you a new one or deny the warranty claim for misuse and abuse. Other manufacturers have similar policies because generally a properly used knife doesn't break, most people sharpen their own knives, and the maker gambles you will never make a claim. Benchmade just got their money out of you when you paid the price versus the cashier asking you if you want to pay for the extended warranty.

In the end, you haven't provided me anything convincing me why benchmade knives bring the premium price over a spyderco or other makes. Everyone justifies their purchases in their minds and I maintain my position they are over priced for the value they provide.

I also think you're a LW type guy and I'll leave it there.

Other than that, How was the show Mrs. Lincoln?