Originally Posted by IndyCA35
Originally Posted by gitem_12
What kind of excuse di you have for the NRAs support of GCA 68

Guess we're off the 1934 kick.

Now as for 1968...

In the 1960s, the people running the NRA (Franklin Orth was the president) decided to "make nice" with the liberals on gun control. They decided to go lightly on legislative stuff and move the NRA headquarters to Colorado Springs, and concentrate on training people to shoot in the Olympics. The ILA (NRA Institute for Legislative Actiion) run by Neal Knox, disagreed with this, as did many of us members. At the 1977 NRA annual meeting in Cincinnati, Knox and Harlan Carter organized a coup and KICKED OUT THE GUYS WHO HAD RUN IT SINCE 1968! The by-laws were changed to let members nominate directors by petition. The "Cincinnati Reforms" also adapted a "no compromise" position. And they didn't move to Colorado Springs to train Olympic shooters!

So you see, blaming the current leadership for anything that happened in 1968 is like blaming President Trump for something Obama did.

I repeat...Not only are our NRA leaders different people than in1968 but they KICKED OUT the leaders who were there in 1968.

Which is why we won the fights over registering ammo sales (got it repealed), "Saturday night specials," cop-killing bullets, the 1994 AR15 ban (which banned nothing at all), got about 45 states (starting in 1987) to pass "shall issue" concealed carry laws, got background checks to be instant instead of making you come back to the store a week later, got about 45 states to pass pre-emption laws (which, among other things, threw out Cleveland's handgun registration law), lost Al Gore the presidential election, lost the Democrats the House of representatives in 1994 for the first time in 40 years (according to Bill Clinton, that was the NRA's "fault"), and helped us in ways you can't even imagine.

Can't even imagine? Here's one. Our club bought 80 acres out in the country. The local farmers obkjected to the noise and tried to get an ordance passed banning shooting. The NRA sent a guy out with a dB sound measuring device. Guess what? They would have had to ban trucks on the Interstate a mile away. Duh. 20 years later the club is still shooting there.

So if anyone wants to rationalize not paying their fair share, find some other reason to bash the NRA.

Benefactor Member
National Rifle Association of America
Second Amendment Task Force, 1994

So what's the excuse for current NRA leadership endorsing red flag laws and the ban on bumpstocks? It's all relative

The government plans these shootings by targeting kids from kindergarten that the government thinks they can control with drugs until the appropriate time--DerbyDude

Whatever. Tell the oompa loompa's hey for me. [/quote]. LtPPowell