The few muzzies I meet, after I ask them when they are going to clean their house and help stomp out the radicals(I know they won’t already) and they answer that most moslems are peaceful, I tell them, “The house is going to get cleaned. You know what is good and what is trash. I don’t, it all looks the same to me. Probably better if you clean it before I have to. A lot of [bleep] might get trashed that you wanted to keep if I have to do it.. “ I rarely speak to moslem more than once...

In answer to the above question, I would not be brave or outspoken. I would be sneaky and unscrupulous. And drop like flies they would. Best way to keep them from killing my family is to snuff them first. In quantity.

Last edited by OldGrayWolf; 03/17/19.